Wednesday, March 17, 2010

First Day of Spring!

No, I didn't forget you.
The internet has been out here in the apartment complex, and so I have been using my computer for what it was really intended: Minesweeper.

I’ve played 133 games, and won 3.

In short, oh internet, how I have missed you.

But back to our Purpose (yes, let me be a little overinflated.) This past week, temperatures rose . . . and it was sunny . . . and beautiful.

This weekend we went outside, to a park by a lake. I don’t mind telling you that it was windy (not anywhere in the vicinity of breezy) and at 53 degrees not exactly warm. But when it has been dreary and snowy for so long, any excuse to get out will do. So we went to a local park, where we saw many joggers, and walkers, and people walking their babies in shorts (!!! Shorts?!?!? Jesus, lady, I'm in a coat and freezing!)

The lake itself is partly thawed, which you can kind of see in the crappy photo I took with my phone. Not that it froze all the way, this year -- T. and I have often wondered why you would ride your snowmobile over the lake (seems dangerous, but it is the thing to do in the winter here, along with killing a deer and digging a hole in the frozen lake and fishing, also dangerous activities, and also undertaken with a case of beer.) I'll give you my analysis of the three activities: I like beer.* Anyways, since snowmobiling over the lake is the thing to do here, quite a few people fell in. Here's my advice to anyone considering a snowmobile trip at dusk after a few cold ones: bad call. In fact, don't snowmobile at all.

But here, the sun has been shining lately, and shining well past six o'clock (in the dead of winter, it goes down around four here) and T. surprised me with some lovely daffodils last week. Now, this state has kicked me in the teeth quite a bit with its winter, which gets its claws in you and doesn't want to let go, but I think it's spring. I've gone ahead and cleaned my winter boots for storage.

*I have never shot a deer. Also, though not for lack of trying in my youth, I have never caught a fish. I now regard both activities as bad business. Turns out you can drink a beer without a gun or a fishing pole. Or a snowmobile.


  1. My thing is Spider Solitaire. I'm well into the thousands there. It is mindless. It takes care of boredom/frustration/anger.

    53 is warm. In Maine, the shorts are out at that point. I rarely wear a coat when the temps are above 40. :)

  2. Oh, people are in sandals here -- but that kid looked COLD.

    Of course, I'm alarmed when people have their kids out in the snow and wind and -12 temps with no hat on.

    I've learned not to give disapproving looks. Turns out, if you're a negligent parent, chances are good you're also confrontational.
