Thursday, March 10, 2011

A blog update, courtesy of an email

Yes, I emailed most of this to my friend. Don't judge. I'm grading and pregnant and sick. That's right -- I have a cold right now (for which I can use nothing stronger than OJ and a humidifier -- sucks), and I am also trying to dig through a massive pile of papers to grade. Massive. Next semester, my policy on late work is officially changing to "if it ain't on time, don't bother turning it in, unless you have a note from a doctor, a judge, or a coroner." But on to the update:
1. I hate being sick.
2. Baby is probably okay, except that I can't see it, so it's hard to say for sure. I look like I have a beer gut, and while I hadn't told my students as of last week, some of the sharper knives in the drawer figured it out on their own. All medical checkups have been good (only hiccup came when I told my midwife I was having leg cramps, at which the most laid-back person I've ever met ramped all the way up to a mild raise of the eyebrows, and told me I needed more calcium. To put this in perspective, I equate this to another medical professional yelling "WHAT! GO GET SOME ICE CREAM RIGHT NOW!" Which is what I did.) My first cousin, who is approximately the size of a very tall cricket, is also pregnant, and still has her waist. I am doing everything not to let this get to me, since I've had to escape to maternity pants already.
3. Let's talk about maternity pants. Lately, I spend a lot of my time walking with my hands in my pockets, because most of the time I feel like my too-big mommy pants are falling down -- and sometimes they are. My mother, ever-helpful, suggested suspenders which I'm sure would make me feel so much better about this. But I read somewhere that anything tight on your waist (tights, pants, whatever) contributes to nausea and back pain, and I had/have both, so I chose to swim in my clothing.

What's going on with you fine folks?