Monday, June 17, 2013

I want a Dravet buddy.

I don't want you guys to think I don't love you and appreciate you, because I really, really do.  You give me perspective and support and make me laugh and bounce me back and are so awesome beyond anything. 


But sometimes, I also want somebody who is in the trenches with me.  Who, if I say, "I think they're gonna put her on the DIET," doesn't need an explanation about the G-D EFFING DIET (the vitriol is not directed at you, it is directed at the diet.  The diet is the biggest pain in the ass.  Let me explain a few things about why:  1.  No sugar;  2.  You have to eat a specific amount of calories, no more and NO LESS, so a lot of kids end up with a supplemental feeding tube in case they don't eat all of their meals; and 3. If you cheat, you will have a seizure, so if my kid's crazy-ass grandparents slip her candy, she'll seize. GIANT PAIN IN THE ASS.)

Sometimes it feels a little lonely out here.  I keep trying to make a Dravet buddy, but the network feels a little like a closed club.  Especially since Lucy is, overall, doing pretty well compared to the other kids. 

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