Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Practical Miracles

I believe in practical miracles.

I don't believe that God will magically heal Lucy. This is how she was made, perfect the way she is. We have no choice but to live with what we have.

But I believe that prayer is a powerful thing that makes it possible for us to be strong and brave in the face of catastrophe and disaster. I believe that it makes it possible for the impatient to be patient and calm. To find ways to be happy with my primary daily conversations with someone who only has about 100 words.

Practical miracles make it possible for the doctors to find better treatments. For us to have found our superhero Dr. Heidi and for the miracle that got us away from the doctors who were too busy to treat Lucy and to our amazing Dr. P. Prayer makes it possible for the medicine to go down. For treatments to work better. For us to figure out what therapists we need, and for the therapy to work. For us to continue to believe. For Lucy to continue to thrive even after all of the obstacles placed in her way.

Practical miracles. Little bits of magic.

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